The 5 Lowest Rated Books on my TBR Stack

Back in the late summer and early fall, book blogs, Bookstagram, and Booktube was full of posts about the five lowest rated books on their respective TBRs. Some listed the books and others read the books and discussed why they agreed or disagreed with the low ratings on GoodReads.

So this new year as I look over my own teetering TBR I wondered what were the five lowest rated books of mine. And so I decided to list & then read my five lowest rated books on GoodReads. I will update and review the books and explain why I think the ratings are or are not justified.

***Edited to add: The books are the lowest rated as of  January 22, 2019.

The Handbag’s Tale by Louis Bertrand Shalako 2.13 Stars

Why it’s on my TBR: This is on my TBR because it is free for Kindle books. And its one of many free books I downloaded to my Kindle right after I received the Kindle back in 2011.

Why I think it has a low rating: Well. It is a self-published book. I’m guessing there are a lot of reasons?

***edited to add: I read this one over the weekend. The review is on GoodReads if you are interested.


The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold 2.68 Stars

Why it’s on my TBR: I bought this at Target soon after reading Lovely Bones. Itsa one of my favorite books so I thought to give this one a spin.

Why I think it has a low rating: I started it at one point and realized what this book is about and it’s controversial. And I wasn’t in the mood to read it, so I set it aside.





Spring and Fall by Nicholas Delblanco 2.71 Stars

Why it’s on my TBR: I picked this up at a conference and it has languished on my TBR ever since.

Why I think it has a low rating: No clue.





Whiskey by Bruce Holbert

2.91 Stars

Why it’s on my TBR: This came to me via a Book box.

Why I think it has a low rating: It is a fairly new book and has very few ratings. So.



That Kind of Mother by Rumaan Alam  3.08 Stars

Why it’s on my TBR: Another book box book. This book seemed to be everywhere when it was first published.

Why I think it has a low rating: I’m guessing that like The Almost Moon it is a controversial story.


What are the five lowest rated GoodReads books on your TBR? Have you read any of the books on my list and do you agree with the ratings?  Let me know in the comments below.


Here are links to a couple of posts that inspired me and my ratings rubric:

Click here to see my star ratings rubric.

Click here to read here to read Book Bums lowest rated books post.

And here is a link to Books and Lala’s five lowest rated books:

7 thoughts on “The 5 Lowest Rated Books on my TBR Stack

    1. I am planning on it. I may have to mix it up a bit. 😎 I own physical copies of the last four books, so I feel like I need to read books on my TBR. Even the low rated ones. Plus, if I really dislike them I won’t want to keep them on my shelves. And so that means I’ve cleaned my shelves. You see where this is going? Now, whether this will all work or not is another matter.

      Thanks for stopping by!

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