Quickie Book Review: Beach Read

0732CF12-F504-440E-8E16-FF0D4B3DEDD7Author: Emily Henry

Published: May 19, 2020,  Berkley, Book of the Month Club Edition

Length: 362 pages

Genre: Women’s Fiction, Contemporary Romance

Source: Book of the Month Club subscription

Stars: 3 Stars


Augustus Everett is an acclaimed author of literary fiction. January Andrews writes bestselling romance. When she pens a happily ever after, he kills off his entire cast.

They’re polar opposites.

In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months, they’re living in neighboring beach houses, broke, and bogged down with writer’s block.

Until, one hazy evening, one thing leads to another and they strike a deal designed to force them out of their creative ruts: Augustus will spend the summer writing something happy, and January will pen the next Great American Novel. She’ll take him on field trips worthy of any rom-com montage, and he’ll take her to interview surviving members of a backwoods death cult (obviously). Everyone will finish a book and no one will fall in love. Really.

I just have to note before I get to the review that this novel is NOT a romance novel. It’s women’s lit. Which is fine, because I do read women’s lit. I’m just a bit baffled as to why they marketed it this way?  While there is a romance, it’s not the main obstacle the heroine, January, is trying to overcome. And I think that romances are sort of treated a dismissively by January? Maybe? I don’t know. Also, they spend little to no time on the beach……reading. So? Maybe the title is more a reference to the genre of book that it is?


I like the premise of this book. Two authors challenging each other to switch their genres is fun. I also like that her love interest is August, a nemesis from college. Now she did have a crush on him back then, and she is still attracted to him in the present. I also like the central conflict of the book, January coming to terms with her father’s death and the revelations about him come to light after his death.

Not so much:

The marketing of this book as a romance. Sigh. The central conflict is January’s acceptance of her father as an imperfect human, and her own imperfections as well. It is not about whether or not Gus and she get a happily ever after. Also, there is a weird subplot about a cult in the woods that is a bit like the Branch Davidians or Jim Jones that is just gross? Especially the way the two survivors are treated by Gus. By the way, Gus writes a romance that uses a cult as the setting for the romance and for me it felt wrong.

What I’ll remember:

The thing I remember about this book is the weird cult subplot. I just find it so weird that I can’t stop thinking about it. And not in a good way.

Would I recommend?

Yes, in spite of the cult stuff. But I do think YMMV. I like Gus. It’s a beach read. I like the frantically trying to positive and happy January. I like way January realizes that humans make mistakes and are imperfect.

Have you read Beach Read? Did you like it? Do you agree or disagree with my  assessment? Let me know in the comments below.

Happy Reading.

Quickie Review: Daisy Jones & The Six

daisy jones 3

Author: Taylor Jenkins Reid

Published: March 2019, Ballantine Books, Hard Back

Length: 368 pages

Genre: Fiction

Source: #BookoftheMonthclub #Botm

Stars: 4.5 Stars



Everyone knows Daisy Jones & The Six, but nobody knows the reason behind their split at the absolute height of their popularity . . . until now….

The making of that legend is chronicled in this riveting and unforgettable novel, written as an oral history of one of  the biggest bands of the seventies.

I’m dating myself, but this book is a perfect summer read for a child of the’70’s & 80’s. If you are at all familiar with the music of the those years, you know about those legendary singers and bands. The breakups of the bands and the romantic pairs in the bands. Linda Ronstadt, The Eagles, The Mamas and the Papas, and Fleetwood Mac.  There is just all kinds of turmoil that makes a good story. I’m surprised that there isn’t more fiction out there. (If you know of any novels or books about those years, let me know in the comments below.) The legendary stories of that turmoil seems to be the inspiration behind this story, especially the wild ride of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham. Their story is recounted in an old episode of Behind the Music. I wonder if  it is available out on the internet somewhere? If you can find let me know me know, because I would watch it! And this book tells a story that wouldn’t be out of place as a gossipy old episode of Behind the Music and that is probably why I love this book so damn much.


Where to begin. The behind the scenes interview style of the story. I love a “spilling the tea” story and this one delivers; gossipy tales are my jam. But the thing I like best is the women of the story: Daisy, Karen Karen, and Camila. The women take control of their stories and don’t let the men take control of them.  This says it all:

I had no interest in being somebody else’s muse.

I am not the muse.

I am the somebody.

End of fucking story.

My favorite quote from the entire book. It is to be the mission statement of this story. Three strong women telling their stories with no apology. And really, their stories and points of view are the most interesting.

Not so much:

I really can’t think of anything I didn’t like about this story. the only thing I can think of is first person and I’m not usually a fan of first person narration. But this book wouldn’t be as good without it.

What I’ll remember :

The no bullshit, own herself with no apologies Daisy Jones and Karen Karen. Both have plans and career goals and refuse to let the gender expectations of the men in their lives to control them. It’s awesome.

Would I recommend?

Yes! Go buy this book right now and read it. Don’t wait another minute. Then come back here so we can talk about it.

You know, this book just seems to beg for a playlist to listen to while reading (or writing a review of) Daisy Jones & The Six. If you use Spotify, there is a Daisy Jones playlist, just do a search for it. If I were to put together a list it would have the entire Rumors album, a bunch of Linda Ronstadt. I just don’t think I listen to enough Linda Ronstadt, to tell the truth.

So, have you read Daisy Jones & The Six? What do you think? And so you have any suggestions for my playlist? Let me know in the comments below.

Happy Reading!


Quickie Book Review: The Night Tiger

Title: The Night Tiger

Author: Yangsze Choo

Published: February 2019 by Flatiron Books

Length: 384 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction, Magical Realism, Mystery

Source: Book of the Month

Stars: 4 Stars

Summary from the  book jacket:

Quick-witted, ambitious Ji Lin is stuck as an apprentice dressmaker, moonlighting as a dance-hall girl to help pay off her mother’s mahjong debts. But when one of her dance partners accidentally leaves behind a gruesome souvenir, Ji Lin plunges into a dark adventure: a mirror world of secrets and superstitions.

11-year-old Chinese houseboy Ren also has a secret, a promise he must fulfill to his dead master: to find his master’s  severed finger and bury it with his body. He has 49 days to do so, or his master’s soul will wander the earth forever.

As the 49 days tick relentlessly by, and a series of deaths racks the district, along with whispers about men who turn into tigers. Ji Lin and Ren’s increasingly dangerous paths crisscross through lush plantations, hospital storage rooms, and ghostly dreamscapes.

Dazzling and propulsive, The Night Tiger is the coming-of-age of a child and a young woman, each searching for their place in a society that would rather they stay invisible.

I’ve had such good luck with novels with tiger in the title (click here to see my thoughts on The Tiger’s Wife) , plus the gorgeous cover convinced me to pick this book for my January Book of the Month Club. And it did not disappoint.


If there is one thing I love it’s magical realism. And well written prose. So that’s two, technically. And this book has both. And a compelling story that explores a world and a culture that I am woefully unfamiliar. Most stories about Colonialism are told from the point of view of the colonizers not those who are colonized. And it explores a mythology that I’m not familiar with and am interested in learning more about.

Following Ji LIn and Ren through this story and not being sure that either will survive until the end. The magical elements of the story that help guide them is fascinating and helps build the story’s tension.

Not so much:

The romance subplot is a bit odd and awkward for a couple of reasons. But I don’t want to give too much away and spoil it. I will say that it isn’t clear by the end of the story whether Ji Lin will find the happiness and love she deserves with the man she loves. And she does deserve a happily ever after. But don’t let this keep you from reading this novel.

What I’ll remember:

The setting -1930’s Malay- and the main characters. The were-tiger stalking and killing at the edges of the story. The sweet innocence of young Ren and the gumption of Ji Lin. This story is a parable about the abuse of power by colonizers. And it’s important to read a story that strips away the romantic veil we in the west often use to tell those stories.

Would I Recommend:  

Yes! It is a thoroughly enjoyable tale.


Let me know what you think in the comments below. Also, here is a link to my Friday 56 for this book if you are interested. Happy Reading!


Quickie Book Review: Circe

Author: Madeline Miller

Published: April 2018, Hardback

Length: 394 pages

Genre: fiction, fantasy/mythology

Source: I bought it.

Stars: 4 1/2 Stars



In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe is a strange child–not powerful, like her father, nor viciously alluring like her mother. Turning to the world of mortals for companionship, she discovers that she does possess power–the power of witchcraft, which can transform rivals into monsters and menace the gods themselves.

Threatened, Zeus banishes her to a deserted island, where she hones her occult craft, tames wild beasts and crosses paths with many of the most famous figures in all of mythology, including the Minotaur, Daedalus and his doomed son Icarus, the murderous Medea, and, of course, wily Odysseus.

But there is danger, too, for a woman who stands alone, and Circe unwittingly draws the wrath of both men and gods, ultimately finding herself pitted against one of the most terrifying and vengeful of the Olympians.

“Humbling women seems to me a chief pastime of poets. As if there can be no story unless we crawl and weep.” –Madeline Miller, Circe


I love mythology. And anytime I can read a story based in mythology, I will do it. So, you know this book was at the top of my TBR pile. And Amazon in the week or so before its official release put it on sale for less than $3, so of course I bought it. And I am glad I did.  This is a story which seems to focus on what happens when female rage and power is contained. Circe is a potentially powerful witch and is angry, and this must be contained. It’s this rage and power that fuels her story and interactions with various gods and goddesses and humans that visit her island. And this is what Odysseus finds when he happens upon her island’s shore.

Not so much:

I really can’t think of anything as I write this. It has been a while since I read this.

What I’ll remember:

The cathartic power of reading this story. And that it’s nice to find someone else who sees Odysseus as the jerk he is.

Do I recommend it?:

Solid yes. This would be such a great thing to read in conjunction with The Odyssey. I enjoyed it so much that I plan on going back and reading The Song of Achilles soon. And I hope that Madeline Miller focuses a novel on Medea soon. That one is rage and power all out of control! I would love to read her take on how Medea’s rage and anger and shocking revenge came to be.

Here is a link to my Friday 56 Meme featuring Circe.

Have you read Circe? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments below.

Happy Reading, y’all!

Quickie Book Review: The Essex Serpent

 Author: Sarah Perry

Published: Custom House paper back, 2018

Length: 416 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

Source: #GoodReadsGiveaway

Stars: 4 Stars




When Cora Seaborne’s brilliant, domineering husband dies, she steps into her new life as a widow with as much relief as sadness: her marriage was not a happy one. Wed at nineteen, this woman of exceptional intelligence and curiosity was ill-suited for the role of society wife. Seeking refuge in fresh air and open space in the wake of the funeral, Cora leaves London for a visit to coastal Essex, accompanied by her inquisitive and obsessive eleven-year old son, Francis, and the boy’s nanny, Martha, her fiercely protective friend.

While admiring the sites, Cora learns of an intriguing rumor that has arisen further up the estuary, of a fearsome creature said to roam the marshes claiming human lives. After nearly 300 years, the mythical Essex Serpent is said to have returned, taking the life of a young man on New Year’s Eve. A keen amateur naturalist with no patience for religion or superstition, Cora is immediately enthralled, and certain that what the local people think is a magical sea beast may be a previously undiscovered species. Eager to investigate, she is introduced to local vicar William Ransome. Will, too, is suspicious of the rumors. But unlike Cora, this man of faith is convinced the rumors are caused by moral panic, a flight from true belief.

These seeming opposites who agree on nothing soon find themselves inexorably drawn together and torn apart—an intense relationship that will change both of their lives in ways entirely unexpected.


This book is like reading a big, juicy 19th century Gothic novel. And that, for me, is a good thing.It’s all about the clash between religion, science, and superstition. the clash between the Angle in the House and the New Woman.  And what historical fiction novel focused on the 19th century in Britain be without class system tension? And on top of all this it is a beautifully written book. I love all of this in the novel, but the main thing I love is the characters. I love Cora, who is the protagonist. She has survived a crappy, abusive marriage yet manages to come out of it interested in finding who she is and what she wants in this new chapter in her life. She is interested in the world and interested in finding a place for herself in it.

Not so much:

Dr. Luke. Such an unlikable character. Perry did a great job making him almost unbearable. I d have one small complaint. I just wish it was a bit more Gothic. Just a tad bit more unnerving moments like the incident with the girls in the classroom.

What I’ll remember:

As I mention above, this book is beautifully written. So, I’m taking away a couple of quotes that I love.

You cannot always keep yourself away from things that hurt you. We all wish we could, but we cannot: to live at all is to be bruised.

And this which seems to be the thesis of the story:

I think the whole village is haunted. Only–I think they’re haunting themselves.


Lately I’ve thought not even knowledge takes all the strangeness from the world.

Have you read The Essex Serpent? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Quickie Book Reviews: Dead Girls

Title: Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession

Author: Alice Bolin

Published: 2018, William Morrow Paper Backs, eBook Edition

Length: 288 pages

Genre: Nonfiction, Essays, Memoir

Source: My Public Library

Stars: 3.5 Stars


A collection of poignant, perceptive essays that expertly blends the personal and political in an exploration of American culture through the lens of our obsession with dead women.

In her debut collection, Alice Bolin turns a critical eye to literature and pop culture, the way media consumption reflects American society, and her own place within it. From essays on Joan Didion and James Baldwin to Twin Peaks, Britney Spears, and Serial, Bolin illuminates our widespread obsession with women who are abused, killed, and disenfranchised, and whose bodies (dead and alive) are used as props to bolster a man’s story.

From chronicling life in Los Angeles to dissecting the “Dead Girl Show” to analyzing literary witches and werewolves, this collection challenges the narratives we create and tell ourselves, delving into the hazards of toxic masculinity and those of white womanhood. Beginning with the problem of dead women in fiction, it expands to the larger problems of living women—both the persistent injustices they suffer and the oppression that white women help perpetrate.

Sharp, incisive, and revelatory, Dead Girls is a much-needed dialogue on women’s role in the media and in our culture.


There is nothing I love more than essays analyzing pop culture. And this summer the zeitgeist is full of dead girls in pop culture. The number of books and TV shows and movies which focus on violence against women seems to be coming to a head. And Alice Bolin has noticed this trend. She makes the connections between all the dead white girls of pop culture and her own life. I especially like the connections she makes between all the current dead girls and the OG dead girl of pop culture: Laura Palmer of Twin Peaks.

Not so much:

I wish she had spent more time unpacking the books, TV shows, movies and less time examining her own life. The personal memoir essay. I’m just not a fan of most memoirs. Even one that connects the author’s life to pop culture. And in theory this melding should be my jam. And yet…..no. It’s not.

What I’ll Remember:

I’m not sure. I’ve read so many think pieces this week about dead girls and violence perpetrated on women’s bodies and how that is now entertainment that I’m not sure what is from an article and what is from this book of essays. so I think that will be what I remember. It’s part of that zeitgeist moment in 2018.

What do you think? Have you read this book? Would you? What do you think about the way pop culture uses dead girls as entertainment? Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy Reading, y’all!

Quickie Book Review: Bone Gap

Author: Laura Ruby

Published: March 2015 Harper Collins audio book read by Dan Bittner

Length: 345 pages (in paperback. No pages listed for the audio book.)

Genre: Fiction, Magical Realism, Young Adult

Source: Free audio book from audiobooksync.com. Click here for more information on how to participate in this program.

Stars: 5 Stars



Bone Gap is the story of Roza, a beautiful girl who is taken from a quiet midwestern town and imprisoned by a mysterious man, and Finn, the only witness, who cannot forgive himself for being unable to identify her kidnapper. As we follow them through their melancholy pasts, their terrifying presents, their uncertain futures, acclaimed author Laura Ruby weaves a heartbreaking tale of love and loss, magic and mystery, regret and forgiveness–a story about how the face the world sees is never the sum of who we are.

I’ve had this audio book for a year or two and finally made myself listen to it. I’m not really a fan of audio books and have only listened to a few. But this story could make me listen to them more often. Bone Gap is a free giveaway by Audiobooksync. Click on the link above to get more information about the program and how you too can receive free audio books.

Before I start the review I must point out the cover. I’m a huge sucker for book covers. If I like it I’ll probably buy the book. Which means I’ve read some awful books with gorgeous covers. I love this cover. Love it! And happily I love this novel too.


I am a huge fan of the magical realism genre so there are many things that I like about this book. Many of my favorite books over the last few years are books from this genre. So it really isn’t a surprise to me that I really love this book. I love the rural farm town setting, and the hints that something is just, I don’t know, off in this place. And I love that the off-ness of the place isn’t inherently evil. I love all the symbolism hinting at the off-ness of this place, this gap. The whispering corn fields that talk to Finn, one of the main characters. And Finn’s struggles with a mysterious problem. Roza, the other main character, and her struggle to find her place in the world are so well done in this story, not to mention her struggle as kidnapping victim. And Laura Ruby is a beautiful writer. I just loved hearing the writing so much that I went to Goodreads to read some of quoted passages for myself. And I really like Dan Bittner’s narration of the lovely passages which is so well done. This story is like a wonderful re-telling of fairy tale that’s been long forgotten.

One more thing: I love the reference to the OG of Midwestern magical realism Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes. It’s done so delicately that if you blink you’ll miss it.

Not so much:

I’m not sure there is anything. But the resolution of the kidnapping is not my favorite part of the story. I want something more definitive to close that story line satisfactorily for me.

What I’ll remember:

Two things: First, Roza. She is a strong female protagonist. She doesn’t allow herself to be the victim of this story that must be saved by someone (aka male hero). She actively struggles against the man who has taken her captive, and in the end, makes a sacrifice to save herself and Finn. I like that young adult novels are making the heroines of the the stories more active in their own “saving.”

Second: The delicate use of magical realism in the story. It seeps into all the nooks and crannies, but doesn’t completely overwhelm and take over the story. If I had a friend (or a book club) that hadn’t read any magical realism but wanted to try it for the first time, this would be the book I will recommend. And really, if you haven’t read it yet, you should. Especially if you like magical realism and fairy tale re-tellings.

So let me know what you think in the comments below. Let me know if you have a favorite magical realism novel you would like to recommend. Or let me know what you think of listening to audio books.

Happy reading, y’all!

Quickie Book Review: The Masked City

Title: The Masked City

Author: Genevieve Cogman

Published: 2016 by ROC, Trade Paperback

Length: 372 pages

Genre: Fantasy

Source: A bookstore. I paid full price, too.

Stars: 4. 5 stars.


Working in an alternate version of Victorian London, Librarian-spy Irene has settled into a routine, collecting important fiction for the mysterious Library and blending in nicely with the local culture. But when her apprentice, Kai, a dragon of royal descent, is kidnapped by the fae, her carefully crafted undercover operation begins to crumble.

Kai’s abduction could incite a conflict between the forces of chaos and order that would devastate all worlds and all dimensions. To keep humanity from getting caught in the crossfire, Irene will have to team up with a local fae leader to travel deep into a version of Venice filled with dark magic, strange coincidences, and a perpetual celebration of Carnival—and save her friend before he becomes the first casualty of a catastrophic war.

But navigating the tumultuous landscape of fae politics will take more than Irene’s book-smarts and fast-talking—to ward off Armageddon, she might have to sacrifice everything she holds dear…

Here is a link to my gushing review of the first book in the series.

What I Like:

Well. Everything. This book is a fast, fun adventure ride. All my favorite characters from the first book in series return: Irene, Vale, Lord Silver, and Kai. And this time we delve a bit deeper into the world of the dragons and the fae. Most of the adventure takes place in an alt world that is completely dominated by the Fae. And it’s a world of nothing but chaos. And reading about all that chaos is awfully fun. But I think the thing I really loved about this story is that it’s not just about the library, but about the creation of story and how chaotic it and the characters the writer is trying to wrangle them into a coherent story can be. I’m such a sucker for books about books.

Didn’t like as much:

I really can’t think of anything I didn’t like. But I will say that I would love to spend more time exploring the Library. I would read a book that just describes the library and everything it with Irene as a tour guide. Wouldn’t that be a fun read.

Would I recommend?:

Yes, yes, and yes. Read it right now. I’ll wait. When you come back we can gush about it together.


Let me know in the comments if you have read this series and recommend it. As always, Happy Reading, y’all.

Quickie Book Review: The Girls in the Picture

The Girls in the Picture

Author: Melanie Benjamin

Published: January 16, 2018 Delacourt Press, Kindle Edition

Length: 448 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction, fiction based on real people

Source: #GoodReadsGiveAway (Yes, I won it in a giveaway!)

My rating: 4 Stars

Synopsis from GoodReads:

It is 1914, and twenty-five-year-old Frances Marion has left her (second) husband and her Northern California home for the lure of Los Angeles, where she is determined to live independently as an artist. But the word on everyone’s lips these days is “flickers”—the silent moving pictures enthralling theatergoers. Turn any corner in this burgeoning town and you’ll find made-up actors running around, as a movie camera captures it all.

In this fledgling industry, Frances finds her true calling: writing stories for this wondrous new medium. She also makes the acquaintance of actress Mary Pickford, whose signature golden curls and lively spirit have given her the title of America’s Sweetheart. The two ambitious young women hit it off instantly, their kinship fomented by their mutual fever to create, to move audiences to a frenzy, to start a revolution.

But their ambitions are challenged both by the men around them and the limitations imposed on their gender—and their astronomical success could come at a price. As Mary, the world’s highest paid and most beloved actress, struggles to live her life under the spotlight, she also wonders if it is possible to find love, even with the dashing actor Douglas Fairbanks. Frances, too, longs to share her life with someone. As in any good Hollywood story, dramas will play out, personalities will clash, and even the deepest friendships might be shattered.

Well, this book came out at interesting time. Female friendships and the complications of them is a part of book conversations due to the success of Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan novels. And I’m sure completely by accident, the rise of the #MeToo movement after revelations of sexual assault and harassment in Hollywood. It makes me think. And one of the things I think about is the use of Girl in so many book titles lately. I hope this trend dies soon. It’s so common that I avoid books titled like this. Then why did you read this one, you may ask? Well, In this case, I didn’t buy the book I won it in a #GoodreadsGiveaway. And I’m so happy to have won and read it.

What I liked:
The setting. As you know if you read my last QBR, I love stories set in Old Hollywood. I also enjoy fiction based on real people. And this book has both. And both of the main characters are real: the famous Mary Pickford and not-so-famous Francis Marion. The book explores these two women’s long and fraught friendship over the decades. How the friendship changes with Mary’s meteoric fame and Francis’s power. How their very different marriages affected their friendship, and how Hollywood becoming a proper business changes everything for them both.

What I didn’t:
Hmm. This is a bit tougher for me to figure out. but I think I would like more in depth exploration of the friendship of the two women. sometimes it feels a bit superficial. But the story moves so quickly through the decades that sometimes it seems to be moving too quickly? There isn’t enough time to reflect on why the things that happen to the friendship happen? A term I see in movie and tv shows would work here. Things need time to breathe a bit before moving to the next part of the story.

Would I recommend: Yes! If you are a fan of silent movie era Hollywood and want to delve into how two women navigated their way together through a business that is rough on women, then read this book.

Click here to see the Friday 56 in which I featured this book.

**Edited to add:  Let me know what you think in the comments. Have you read this book? What did you think of it? Would you add this to your TBR?

QBR: The Girl Who Knew Too Much

Quickie Book Review

Author: Amanda Quick {AKA Jayne Ann Krentz}

Published: May 2017, Berkley eBook

Length: 368 pages

Genre: Fiction, Romance, Mystery

Source: Public Library

My rating: 2 1/2 Stars


**When Hollywood moguls and stars want privacy, they head to an idyllic small town on the coast, where the exclusive Burning Cove Hotel caters to their every need. It’s where reporter Irene Glasson finds herself staring down at a beautiful actress at the bottom of a pool…

The dead woman had a red-hot secret about up-and-coming leading man Nick Tremayne, a scoop that Irene couldn’t resist—especially since she’s just a rookie at a third-rate gossip rag. But now Irene’s investigation into the drowning threatens to tear down the wall of illusion that is so deftly built around the famous actor, and there are powerful men willing to do anything to protect their investment.

Seeking the truth, Irene finds herself drawn to a master of deception. Oliver Ward was once a world-famous magician—until he was mysteriously injured during his last performance. Now the owner of the Burning Cove Hotel, he can’t let scandal threaten his livelihood, even if it means trusting Irene, a woman who seems to have appeared in Los Angeles out of nowhere four months ago…

With Oliver’s help, Irene soon learns that the glamorous paradise of Burning Cove hides dark and dangerous secrets. And that the past—always just out of sight—could drag them both under…

What I liked:  I loved the setting. The majority of the novel takes place at resort frequented by 1930’s Hollywood. And the main character is a gossip reporter. 1930’s Hollywood is my catnip. There just aren’t enough historical romances that are set in this time frame.

What I didn’t:  The title. This is such an obvious attempt to get fans of Gone Girl or Girl on the Train (both twisty thrillers) to pick up this book. Which is fine, I guess. And lately every book has Girl in the title if it is a thriller. Except this book isn’t what it implies in the title. It’s not a twisty thriller. At all. Also, not enough focus on the romance story line. I’m not sure I ever really felt the connection between Irene and Oliver.

Would I recommend to other readers:   I’m guessing that Quick intends this to be the first in a series of mystery/crime solving romantic duo similar to her Vanza series. In fact, I’ll bet this book becomes a part of that series or the Arcane Society series. So, if you are fan of either of those series, you will probably like and enjoy this book. But if you are looking for a twisty, turning thriller you may be disappointed.

I wanted  to love this book. I really did. But. Sigh.  It’s more of a reminder of why I quit reading Amanda Quick novels about ten years ago. I was a huge fan of the Regency romances she wrote under this nom de plume, but when she started the different series, I lost interest in her books. And now I want to go back and reread a few of the Regencies to see if they hold up 20+ years later.

Have you read any of Amanda Quick’s novels including this one? What did you think? Let me know in the comments below. Happy reading!

**edited to add synopsis.