April TBR

April is shaping up to be a busy month on my blog. Not only am I focusing on a theme for the blog, but I’m planning on celebrating National Library Week , Dewey’s 24 hour Readathon the last weekend of the month, and it’s also National Poetry Month. I will post poems on all my social media and here on the blog. I hope I’m able to keep up.

To shake up things a bit for my blog I’m focusing most of my bookish posts and memes on the Brontë Sisters and their novels. I am planning to write about TV adaptations of their novels and their poetry, too. I think it could be fun  for me to write, and hopefully read, about the Brontës.


Here is my list of books I’m planning on reading this month. I’ve not included the books I’m planning on reading during the readathon because I’m still thinking about that final list. I’ll write more about it later on in the month.

The Witches: Salem 1692 by Stacy Schiff. Sigh. I’ve had this on my currently reading list since last October. I like this book, but I needed to set it aside to complete all my reading challenges in the Fall. I want to get back into it, but I’ll probably need to start it all over again.

Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay by Elena Ferrante

Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place by Terry Tempest Williams  I’m reading this for the Book Riot Reading Challenge this year.

Vampires in the Lemon Grove by Karen Russell.  I’m reading this one too for the Book Riot Reading Challenge.

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë.  I haven’t read any of Anne Brontë’s novels, so this is sort of a requirement for this month’s theme!

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë It’s been a number of years since I read this and I need to read it for a bookish post later on this month.

What are your reading and blogging plans for April? Have you ever had a theme for your blog? How did it work out? Would you do it again? Be sure to let me know in the comments below!

22 thoughts on “April TBR

  1. What a great reading selection! I’m hoping to participate in Dewey’s 24 hour readathon as I wasn’t able to for the fall event (family obligation). This year I am experimenting with theme reading by trying to read one book set in each state of America. We will see how successful I actually am!

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  2. A diverse selection! I hope to get further ahead with my scheduling of posts and also create new content in my bullet journal for future bujo posts. So far I’ve reached my limit there. I plan to read at least six books this month. I’m off to a good start so far. Several years ago I did a monthly genre theme. September Sizzlers, Halloween Haunts (or something like that), diverse reads in November, Home for the Holidays (December). It lasted for about 6 months or so and some months made me absolutely miserable. I decided to never do it again. The old tags are still there on my blog if you want to go check them out.

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    1. Oh, thanks! I’ll go check out your old themes. I can totally see how a theme could drive someone crazy. Good luck with the bujo posts. I love seeing other peoples bujos.


  3. I don’t make monthly plans for anything. I plan my blog posts week to week, and I plan my reading seasonally as I participate in seasonal book bingo. ARCs and library books are always prioritized.

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    1. I don’t get ARCs (yet!) and focus mostly on my teetering TBR pile for my blog. So, in theory, planing out a themed month should be easier for me? I’ll probably write about this experience in my wrap-up.


  4. It’s funny, I don’t have a monthly reading plan or TBR like many bloggers. I have books that I have checked out and books that are nearing the top of the holds list at the library that are coming in soon, not to mention books I own, so I have rough outlines of things I *might* read in any given month. I’m such a mood reader, I can’t plan too much or I want to rebel!

    That said, I like your April list! A good range of different types of reading! I still need to read that last Ferrante book! I reread Wuthering Heights a couple of years ago and my reaction as an adult was different from my reaction as a teenager, I’ll just say that! 🙂

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    1. I’m the same way about reading. I’m totally a mood reader. I think doing a themed month is more about challenging myself and focusing, I guess? We shall see if I’m successful. As for Wuthering Heights, let me just say I have thoughts about it. I’m planning a bookish post about my thoughts before the month is over.

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  5. I’m still slightly reeling that we’re in April already! What a varied reading list for the month – I’m not sure how long ago it was you read ‘Wuthering Heights’ but what struck me was just how shockingly violent it was. I’ll be interested in your reaction – and also The Tenant of Wildfell Hall… Have a great reading month.

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      1. I don’t think it’s remotely romantic. It’s about abuse and loss and revenge. I really look forward to your post about it. Folks have listened to Kate Bush’s song and think that’s about love – but that, too, is about obsession, which is a recurring theme in Kate’s songs.

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      2. Young folks find obsessive love romantic for reasons I don’t understand now as an older person. It’s similar to Romeo and Juliet–that’s not a love story, kids. It’s a tragedy.

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      3. Yes… I completely agree! Perhaps you have to have been on the wrong end of a relationship like that to realise just how poisonous it is… And it has always struck me that the Bronte girls felt trapped – they all write of those types of scenarios very powerfully.


  6. Wuthering Heights is one of my all time favorite books! I just think it is so beautifully tragic… a very misunderstood book in my opinion. It is a book that you definitely have to be in the mood to read though lol


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